Festivals and colds

Festival Flu: What is it and how to avoid it | American Lung Association 

The pandemic times were already soul-crushing

with the news overwhelming us with numbers

of deaths, job losses, bankruptcies

to top it all, we spent all our special days inside

locked in and stuck within the four walls

We lost count of how many weddings we missed

birthday cakes we had cut on video calls

We got into a habit of cleaning and cooking

all by ourselves, for two or three in our homes. 

Now came the season of festivals

these too were spent indoors

with failed attempts of making traditional sweets

some successes and gazillion pictures

Then came the flu, which caused great worry

everyone was affected - "Achu and Achi"

people kept going back to their homes

every night we could see lights going out

The cities were gradually emptying

with the vaccine nowhere in sight

all they hoped for was just to spend time with family

Was Mother nature smiling, as she pulled these invisible strings


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